Have you set your real estate business goals the year? Whether you already have or they’re still in the works, I highly recommend taking a few moments to watch this video of Zig Ziglar explaining how to set goals in a way that helps you successfully achieve them. I’ve seen it a few times before, but I always find his advice really insightful – it falls into the category of things that intuitively make sense when you hear them but that are quite easy to forget when you’re bouncing around in the day-to-day world.
Some great Zig Ziglar quotes from the video:
“The basic problem is not lack of time, it’s lack of direction.”
“Don’t confuse activity with accomplishment.”
“Logic will not change an emotion, but action will.”
And from J.C. Penney:
“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. But give me a man without a goal, and I’ll give you a stock clerk.”
Click the link above to watch the video on Youtube (be sure to start with Part 1).